Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Hey or Salut!

Hey y'all!

This blog is baiscally about me, (Hannah Searson, 13 and a mega who vian but I'll get to that in a moment!) and my life in France. As a fanfiction author, I spend about half my life on the computer and I can't be bothered to get off and write a propper diary, so a blog will have to do instead!!!
As I said above, I'm called Hannah Searson, I'm 13 and I'm a HUGE Doctor Who fan and a HUGE music, Lord of the Rings and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy fan! Right, for those of you who have not idea what Doctor Who is, I'll give you a very quick lesson on 40 years of Brittish TV in less than a page.
In 1963 the BBC decided to put on a time travelling show about a bloke called the Doctor who is an alien, a TimeLord to be exact and the people he meets. He picks up guys and gals along the way to go travelling with him, ones of note were/are: Susan (Dr.'s Granddaughter), Sarah-Jane Smith (MEGA popular), Romana (TimeLady, super smart and so funny!), Ace (Beat up a Dalek with a baseball bat and made her own explosive, Nitro 9) and Rose (Just a very very very very very good companion and her last episode made me still does even just thinking about it!), more about Ace and Rose later. Anywho, after a while the actor who played the Doctor got too old to be fighting evils such as the Daleks, Cybermen and The Autons so he went through a process called regeneration, you don't really need to understand it, all you have to understand is the fact that the Doctor changes his appearence and gets new taste in food etc. He is now in his 10th "body".
The main villans of the series are The Daleks (very famous, robots that go around saying exterminate at the top of their squeeky voices), The Cybermen (robots that used to be humains, they have jug handles attached to their heads.....) and The Master (TimeLord that likes black and always has a magnificent pout, beard and gotee......).
But in the year 1989 a terrible thing happened, Doctor Who was.....CANCELLED!!!!!!!!! Millions of who fans were devastated. The last companion of the classic series was Ace, the Doctor was in his 7th self at the time. In 1996 it came back featuring a new Doctor the 8th (also known as the cute one, and for good reason! He was played by Paul Mc Gann), I don't really count that companion as being an important, relevent or worthy of mention in any way. I put that whole TVfilm, as their was only one, down to post regenerational trauma (don't ask!)!
And finally, in 2005, it came back again, again with a new Doctor played by Christopher Ecclston. And here comes Rose right on cue... Baisically, she was the most contriversal companion ever, and yet she didn't really do anything rebbellious, what after Ace with her explosives, Romana and her smarts and Adric with his dreadful fashion sense, you would have thought that who fans had seen it all......she devided the who-niverse into two mini ones, the one of the Outpost Gallifreyeans (The biggest Doctor Who forum) and the fan-fiction authors (they write stories on Doctor Who and everything related to it, I'm one of them). The Outpost Gallifreyeans HATED Rose, no seriously, you have to be VERY brave if you go on there and are pro-Rose....and the Fan-fiction authors are the exact opposite, they are all VERY pro-Rose and HATE anything and anyone who gets in her way, and do you all want to know the reason for this HUGE devide? Because The Doctor cried when she left...think that's a stupid reason for a feud? Watch Doomsday (Rose's final episode) and you won't think that! And there we go! 40 years of Brittish TV in a nutshell!!!

Now for my school life: I go to college Paul Esquinance in La Reole and I'm one of only two english in the entier school of about 600 pupils! It's good fun but hardly any computers next to my old school in Jersey. The education there is the best I've ever had and the kids are, in the majority, a nice bunch. I'm in the school newspaper club, even if we've only had one meeting so far... And I'm in 5F and we have the best tutor EVER, Mlle Bressan!!!!!!! She rocks!

That's all I've got to say for now

5F rock!

Hannah xxx

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